Sequence of operation
- Tidy workstation, observe safety precautions and check accuracy of measuring instruments.
- Srip and clean connect rod assembly
- Chech that the oil galleries are clear.
- Assemble and touque to the crrect load using a torque wrench.
- Align connecting rod in alignment fixture.
- Using a suitable jig press out small end bush on a press and remove any burrs in the rod eye.
- Drill oil holes before or after pressing in the new bush with a jig, as is suitable.
- Setup connecting rod on the connecting rod standardising machine with truing cones and then clock small end bore true to the spindle axis with a dail test indicator mounted on the boring bar.
- Measure bore with T-guage and outside micrometer and determine size to be bored to.
- Grind and lap tool to the correct angle and radius.
- Secure tool in boring bar at the correct height using a direct reading micrometer.
- Bore to size.
- Remove connecting rod from machine and clean.
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